When consumers receive direct mail, they need to make a decision about its relevance. Should the piece be immediately thrown in the trash, or should it be kept? Any time you look through a stack of mail, you’re probably asking yourself, “Is this message relevant and appealing? Should I keep it?” without even realizing it.
Today’s consumers are bombarded with online requests and e-mail messages, so printed communications can actually cut through the clutter and attract attention. 61% of respondents to InfoTrends’ most recent marketing communications survey read all or most of the printed direct mail they receive. What’s more, these consumers are taking action in response to this direct mail. Nearly 40% of total respondents visited the sender’s retail store in response to a direct mail piece. Differences by age are outlined in the Table below. Whereas older respondents were more likely to visit a store, conduct and online search, or make a purchase, younger consumers were more likely to e-mail or engage online. Interestingly, younger respondents were also more likely to call the sender or mail something back to them.